GET /bank/_search |
- 搜索索引为 bank
- match_all 是简单的所有 document 进行匹配
- sort 为排序以 balance 字段进行排序
- { “order”: “desc” },排序方式降序
- 默认 size 是 10
- 默认 from 是 0
例子 2
GET /bank/_search |
- _source 字段可以只取出想要的字段,如果字段没有则也不会返回
GET /bank/_search |
- match 后面跟具体的条件, 20 是数字所以对应 sql 里 = 20
GET /bank/_search |
- { “address”: “mill” } 对应 sql 里 like %mill%, 只有包含就可以,大小写不敏感
GET /bank/_search |
- like %mill% or like %lane% , 大小写不敏感.把这个 搜索条件进行了分词且是 || 的关系
GET /bank/_search |
- match_phrase 这个条件是局部的精确匹配. address 这个字段必须 _包含_ ‘mill lane’,大小写不敏感
bool query
GET /bank/_search |
In the above example, the bool must clause specifies all the queries that must be true for a document to be considered a match.
这个例子和上面 match_phrase的例子的区别是,上面的还要求顺序,这个不要求
GET /bank/_search |
the bool should clause specifies a list of queries either of which must be true for a document to be considered a match.
GET /bank/_search |
GET /bank/_search |
the bool must_not clause specifies a list of queries none of which must be true for a document to be considered a match.
GET /bank/_search |
- 可以复合使用
- This example returns all accounts of anybody who is 40 years old but doesn’t live in ID(aho):
bool query中使用filter
GET /bank/_search |
- range 一般用于数字或者日期