CSS3 Pushing the Limits - Advanced Selectors

Child Combinator

div > p {
background-color: yellow;

> 符号表示的是 div的child 为p标签的元素,注意是子元素,就表明不是选中那些更深层的孙子一级的

Adjacent Sibling Combinator

div + p {
background-color: green;

+ 表示的是紧邻的下一个兄弟元素, 关键词是紧邻的

<p>Not Matched</p>

General Sibling Combinator

div ~ p {
background-color: red;

~ 代表的是兄弟元素“宽泛的”

下面代码,两个 p标签都match


Attribute Selectors

属性selector主要两个事, 有没有这个属性, 属性值匹配不匹配

a[title] {
text-decoration: none;

匹配有title属性的 a标签,不过title有没有值

input[type="submit"] {
background: blue;
color: white;



a[href*="twitter"] {
padding-left: 30px;
background-color: yellow;


<a href="http://twitter">Twitter</a>

属性值以特定string开头 用 ^

a[href^="http://"] {
padding-left: 30px;
background-color: yellow;

属性值以特定string 结尾 ‘$’


a[href$=".com"] {
padding-left: 30px;
background-color: yellow;

有些属性允许接受多个已空格分隔的值,如果想匹配多值中是否包含特定string用 ~

关键词 : 空格分隔

h1[class~="a"] {
text-decoration: none;
color: green;


<h1 class="a b c">Welcome to My Homepage</h1>



ul .a:last-child {
color: red;

<li><a href=”index.php”>Home</a></li>
<li class="a">
<a class="a" href=”about.php”>aaa <b class="a">About(red)</b></a>
<a href=”about.php”>aaa <b class="a">About2(red)</b></a>
<a class="a" href=”about.php”>About</a>

<li class="a">
<a class="a" href=”contact.php”>aaa (red)<b class="a">Contact(red)</b></a>

以ul为容器顶节点结构中 每个节点下的最后一个child 是否有 .a


  • 首先他会根据容器找到所有的节点
  • 这里是ul下的孩子都是li ,所以找最后一个li是否有 .a
  • 在去找每个 ul li节点下里面的最后一个a 元素是否有 .a
  • 再找每个 ul li a节点下 最后一个b 元素 是否有 .a



  • :first-child selects the first child of an element, regardless of the element type. This particular
    pseudo-class was first defined in CSS 2.1 and has universal major browser support, including IE7!
  • :first-of-type looks for the first of a particular type of element in a container. For example,
    p:first-of-type would select the first p element, regardless of whether or not it is the first child in the
  • :last-of-type, as you might expect, does exactly the same as the preceding selector, except it looks
    for the last of a particular type of element in a container.
  • :only-child selects an element if it is the sole child in its container. For example, in the markup for a
    standard navigation, each a element would generally be the only child of the li element that it inhabits.
  • :only-of-type does the same as the preceding selector, except it selects elements if they are the only
    one of their type in the container. For example, if a div contains only an h1 and a p, each of these children
    would be the only one of its type.

Nth Child Selectors

ul a:nth-child(2) {
color: red;
<li><a href=”index.php”>Home</a></li>
<li class="a">
<a class="a" href=”about.php”>aaa <b class="a">About</b></a>
<a href=”about.php”>aaa <b class="a">About2</b></a>
<a class="a" href=”about.php”>About</a>
<a class="a" href=”about.php”>About</a>
<li class="a">
<a class="a" href=”contact.php”>aaa <b class="a">Contact</b></a>


ul 下第二个子元素如果是a 就红
ul 下子节点的 第二个子元素如果是a 就红

:nth-last-child() 这个就是倒数的


p:nth-child(3n+1) {
background: red;

中文翻译: 从第一个子节点往下(从第二个子元素开始包括第二个)每隔3个子元素如果是p就红

+1 表示开始位置 3n是3倍数的元素


ol li:nth-child(-n+2) {
background: green;

ol li:nth-child(-n+6):nth-child(n+3) {
background: blue;

ol li:nth-last-child(-n+2) {
background: red;
<li>Liverpool</li> //green
<li>Manchester City</li> //green
<li>Arsenal</li> //blue
<li>Chelsea</li> //blue
<li>Manchester United</li> //blue
<li>Everton</li> //blue
<li>Fulham</li> //red
<li>Aston Villa</li> //red

li:nth-child(-n+2) 头两个 -n+x 就是 头x个元素

li:nth-child(-n+6):nth-child(n+3) 头6个里的,从第三个开始

li:nth-last-child(-n+2) 最后两个

The Best of the Rest

:empty selects any elements that have absolutely zero content or children.

<div></div> <!-- This div is empty -->
<div> </div> <!-- This div is not empty -->

div:empty {
display: none;

:not(x) is referred to as the negation pseudo-class. You can use it to select all elements except for x,
where x is another selector.

p:not(.important) {
color: black;

如果你的url地址栏以 #bio结尾的时候, id 为 bio的元素就会生效

:target selects an element that is the target of a fragment identifier in the document’s URI. For example,
if #bio sits at the end of the URI in your address bar, you can use :target to select the element in your
HTML with an id of #bio.

##这提供一个技巧,就是当你用hash url策略的时候。每次变化hash地址,你就可以出发一次style的变化

<div id=”bio”>This is a bio</div>
div {
background: white;
div:target {
background: yellow;

  • :disabled selects elements that can’t be focused or selected in any way—for example, t
    use the disabled HTML5 attribute.
  • :enabled selects elements that are in their default state and are ready to be selected. Bas
    includes anything that cannot be selected using :disabled.
  • :checked targets radio buttons or check boxes that have been selected by the user.