Cmder - Git


  1. 单独安装git
    • Use Git and optional Unix tools from the Windows Command Prompt
    • EndLine选第一项
  2. Cmder mini
    • settings 里task
    • Under the “Reload…” button, click the “+” (add) button. This will add a new blank task.
    • Enter a name for your task. Let’s name it git bash
    • Set the icon for this task to Git’s icon by typing in the Task Parameters field, /icon “%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Git\etc\git.ico”
    • Now all we need to do to finish creating this task is add the command to launch Git Bash. Depending on how you set up Git earlier when choosing how to adjust your PATH environment…
    • If you selected either Use Git from Git Bash only or Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt, you will want to type in the following command: “”C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\sh.exe” –login -i”

把cmder 加入到右键菜单

cmder /register user